April 10, 2023

Building a Careers Page That Wows: How to Craft Compelling Careers Page

Careers Page

A careers page serves as an entry point for any potential candidates interested in applying to your company. It is a section on a company's website that is dedicated to providing information about job opportunities and the hiring process within that organization. It typically includes details about the company culture, mission and values, benefits, and job openings.

The purpose of a careers page is to attract qualified candidates and provide them with all the information they need to apply for jobs and begin the recruitment process. As per the survey by Indeed, 74% of job seekers use company career pages as their primary source of job information.

Here's how you can create a careers page that really matters and is what the potential candidates need.

Make it Easy to Navigate


When it comes to creating a great careers page, the first step is to ensure that it's easy to navigate for the candidates. This means organizing the information in a clear and concise manner so that candidates can quickly find the information they need. Here are some ways to achieve this:

Use a clear and simple layout

The layout of your careers page should be simple and easy to understand. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to read.

Use clear and concise language

Use clear and concise language to communicate your company's values, job opportunities, and application process. Avoid using technical jargon or overly complex language that may be difficult for candidates to understand.

Use a consistent design

Use a consistent design throughout your careers page, including colors, fonts, and imagery. This can help create a cohesive and professional look and feel.

Use intuitive navigation

Make sure that your navigation menu is intuitive and easy to use. Use clear labels and organize your content logically so that candidates can easily find what they're looking for.

Use calls-to-action

Use calls to action throughout your careers page to encourage candidates to take the next step in the application process. This can include buttons or links that lead to job listings or application forms.

By organizing your information in a clear and concise manner and using intuitive navigation, you can create a careers page that is easy for candidates to use and encourages them to apply for your job opportunities.

Showcase Your Company Culture

Company Culture

Showcasing your company culture and values on your careers page is an essential part of attracting and retaining top talent. A survey by Glassdoor found that 77% of job seekers would consider a company's culture before applying for a job. Here are some ways to achieve this:

Use photos and videos

Use photos and videos of your team, office, and work environment to showcase your company culture. This can help candidates get a better sense of what it's like to work at your organization and can make your careers page more engaging and memorable.

Provide descriptions of your work environment

Use your careers page to provide descriptions of your work environment, including your company's values, mission, and culture. This can help candidates understand what makes your organization unique and why it may be a good fit for them.

Share stories about your company's impact

Use your careers page to share stories about your company's impact on the community, industry, or world. This can help candidates see the bigger picture and understand how their work at your organization can make a difference.

Highlight employee benefits and perks

Use your careers page to highlight your company's benefits and perks, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible work arrangements. This can help candidates see that your organization values and invests in its employees.

Encourage employee testimonials

Encourage your employees to share their experiences working at your organization. This can include testimonials, stories, or photos. This can help candidates see what it's like to work at your organization from the perspective of your employees.

Highlight Your Benefits

Company Benefits

It's important to highlight your company's benefits and perks. This can be an effective way to attract top talent. Some benefits and perks to consider showcasing on your careers page include health insurance, paid time off, professional development opportunities, retirement plans, employee discounts, and flexible work arrangements.

By highlighting these benefits and perks, you can help potential candidates see the value that your organization provides to its employees. This can differentiate your organization from others in the job market and make it more attractive to top talent.

Provide Detailed Job Descriptions

Job Description

It's essential to have detailed and accurate job descriptions on your careers page as they provide a clear understanding of the expectations and requirements of the role. Below are some ways to achieve this.

Specify job responsibilities

Clearly list the job responsibilities of each role to give potential candidates an idea of what they would be expected to do. This will help them determine whether they have the necessary skills and experience to perform the duties of the job.

Outline requirements

Be specific about the requirements for each position, such as education level, years of experience, certifications, and necessary skills. This will help you filter out unqualified candidates and focus on those who meet your needs.

Be honest

Be truthful and transparent about the job's challenges, including the workload, stress level, and deadlines. This will help candidates determine whether they are capable of handling the demands of the job.

Use clear language

Use clear and concise language in your job descriptions, avoiding jargon or overly complex wording. This will ensure that candidates can understand the job requirements and responsibilities easily.

Provide growth opportunities

Highlight opportunities for professional growth and advancement within your organization. This will help candidates see that your company is invested in their long-term success and development.

Include Employee Testimonials

Employee Testimonials

Employee testimonials hold immense value for several reasons. They provide an authentic perspective on your company's culture and work environment, helping potential candidates understand what it's really like to work for your company. Also, testimonials from current employees add credibility to your careers page, as candidates see the positive feedback from people who currently work for your company, it can help them trust that the information you are providing is accurate.

Employee testimonials can differentiate your company from others in the job market by showing how your company's culture and values align with their own, making your organization more attractive to them. They can also highlight how your company has impacted the careers and lives of your employees, showcasing potential opportunities for growth and development within your organization.

Make it Easy to Apply

Candidates are more likely to apply for a job if they feel the process is efficient and easy to follow. To achieve this, you should provide clear instructions on how to apply, including any necessary documents, deadlines, and contact information.

Use SEO Best Practices


In today's digital world, optimizing your careers page for search engines can be crucial to attracting potential candidates. By using SEO best practices, you can improve the visibility of your careers page and increase the chances of it appearing in search results for relevant job-related queries. This can make your careers page more discoverable and increase the number of applicants.

To optimize your careers page for search engines, you should first conduct keyword research to identify the relevant keywords and phrases related to your job postings. You can then incorporate these keywords into the content of your page, including job titles, descriptions, and headings. You should also ensure that your page has a clear and descriptive title tag and meta description, which accurately reflect the content of the page and include relevant keywords. Including backlinks from other reputable websites can also improve the search engine ranking of your careers page.

Incorporate Employee Stories and Experiences

Employee Stories

Featuring stories about how employees have grown and developed within your organization can provide potential candidates with an insight into what it's like to work for your company, and how your organization supports and invests in its employees.

Employee stories can help humanize your organization and make it more relatable to potential candidates. They can demonstrate the impact your company has on its employees' lives and careers, and help potential candidates envision themselves as a part of your team. Showcasing employee growth and development can also signal to potential candidates that your organization is committed to investing in its employees and supporting their professional growth.

When incorporating employee stories into your careers page, be sure to focus on stories that align with your company's mission and values. Highlight the unique aspects of your company culture and work environment, and provide details on the programs and opportunities available for employees to learn, grow, and advance their careers.

Use a Mobile-Friendly Design

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is important to ensure that your careers page is mobile-friendly. More and more job seekers are using their smartphones and tablets to search for job opportunities, and if your careers page is not optimized for mobile devices, you could be missing out on a significant portion of potential candidates.

A mobile-friendly careers page is designed to be easily accessed and navigated on a smaller screen, with clear and concise information that is easy to read and interact with. This can include a simplified layout, larger fonts, and a responsive design that adjusts to fit the screen size of the device being used.

Making your careers page mobile-friendly can improve the user experience for potential candidates, making it more convenient for them to browse job openings, learn about your company culture and values, and submit job applications on the go. This can help you attract more top talent, increase engagement with potential candidates, and ultimately lead to more successful hires.

Use Engaging Visuals

Using engaging visuals on your careers page can help make it more appealing and interesting to potential candidates. Photos, videos, and infographics can all be effective ways to showcase your company culture and work environment, giving candidates a better understanding of what it would be like to work for your organization.

Photos, videos, and infographics can be used to highlight your company's physical workspace, team members, and events. By showing stuff about your office and team, you can give candidates a glimpse into your work environment and company culture. This can help them determine whether they would be a good fit for your organization.

Why is it Important to have a Great Careers Page?

A great careers page

A report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 84% of organizations have a careers page or section on their website.

Below are some of the reasons why you must have a great careers website.

Attracting Top Talent

Top Talent

A well-designed careers page can help attract top talent to your organization. It should showcase your company culture, values, and mission, and highlight the benefits of working with your organization.

Not only are the active job seekers the potential visitors to your careers page but a large chunk of visitors consists of passive onlookers looking for any opportunity that might be interesting. Having an interesting careers page means that a lot of potential employees have your company in their minds if they ever want to switch.

Engaging Potential Candidates

A great careers page engages potential candidates and encourages them to apply for open positions. It navigates and provides clear information about the application process, job requirements, and qualifications.

Here's how engaging with candidates can boost the chances of a successful hiring phase.

Improving the Candidate Experience

A careers page that is easy to use and provides clear information about the recruitment process can help improve the candidate experience. This can help build a positive reputation for your company and encourage top talent to apply for future and current job openings.

Learn why a great candidate experience is key to an increase in the number of interested candidates.

Supporting Employer Branding

A careers page is an opportunity to showcase your employer brand and communicate what makes your organization a great place to work. It should highlight your company culture, values, and mission, and demonstrate why your organization is a desirable employer. According to a report by CareerBuilder, 68% of job seekers are likely to apply for a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand.

Learn more about building a great employer brand.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQs)

What kind of content can I expect to find on the company's careers page blog?

The type of content that can be found on a company's blog may vary, but generally, it should provide relevant and informative content that is tailored to job seekers. This can include job postings, information about the company's culture and values, details about the hiring process, professional development resources, and company news and updates.

How frequently is the blog updated with new content?

The frequency with which a company's careers page blog is updated with new content will vary depending on the company and its blogging strategy. Some companies may post new content on a daily or weekly basis, while others may only post new content a few times a month or less frequently.

How can I stay up-to-date on new job openings and opportunities through the company's blog?

To stay up-to-date on new job openings and opportunities through a company's blog, you can subscribe to the blog's RSS feed or email newsletter. This will allow you to receive notifications when new job openings are posted on the blog. Also, you can follow the company on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, where they may also post job openings and other updates.

Can I submit my resume or application directly through the careers page blog?

Typically, a company's careers page blog will not allow you to submit your resume or application directly through the blog itself. However, the blog may provide links or instructions on how to apply for specific job openings. To apply for a job with the company, you will likely need to visit the company's website or Applicant Tracking System and complete an online application.

Read about using the benefits of using an Applicant Tracking System.

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