March 16, 2023

Ultimate Guide to Building Your Internal Hiring Process

Internal hiring can be a game-changer for companies looking to grow and develop their workforce. By promoting from within, companies create a culture of learning and development that encourages employees to reach new heights in their careers. This can lead to happier and more engaged employees, resulting in increased productivity and better business outcomes.

internal hiring process

In addition to the benefits of employee development and engagement, internal hiring can save companies the time and expense of recruiting and training new employees. Current employees are already familiar with the company culture, values, and processes, which means they can hit the ground running in their new role. Internal hires tend to have a higher retention rate and are more likely to stay with the company long-term. Overall, an effective internal hiring process can help companies build a more skilled and motivated workforce, all while saving time and money in the recruitment process.

What is Internal Hiring?

Internal hiring refers to the practice of filling job vacancies within an organization by promoting or hiring existing employees instead of recruiting candidates from outside. In other words, internal hiring allows employees to move up the ranks and advance their careers within the organization. It also provides employees with growth opportunities and can help retain top talent within the organization.


When to Hire Internal or External Candidates

When it comes to hiring for a new position, you might be wondering whether to look inside or outside of your organization. While it can be tempting to cast a wide net and search for fresh talent externally, it's important to consider your internal candidates first. After all, they're already familiar with your company culture and values and may be motivated by the prospect of upward mobility within the organization.

However, if you can't find suitable internal candidates from within the company, or if you're looking for a fresh perspective and new ideas, hiring externally may be the way to go. Just remember, the most important thing is to evaluate your specific needs and goals before deciding on whether to hire internally or externally.

Internal Versus External Recruiting

When it comes to filling open positions, companies have two options - they can either recruit internally or externally. Internal recruiting refers to hiring employees from within the organization, whereas external recruiting or external hiring refers to hiring candidates from outside the organization.

Steps for Internal Hiring Process Policy

Assess the current skills and competencies of your qualified candidates.

Develop a clear job description and application process for internal positions.

Communicate the availability of internal positions to your qualified employees.

To prevent negativity and accusations of bias or favoritism, make the internal interview process fair and transparent process

Provide constructive feedback to candidates who were not selected.

Continuously evaluate and improve your internal recruitment process.

Encourage employees to move across teams, departments, and locations within the company

Hiring managers could interview candidates once and use assessments to evaluate their skills if needed.

Statistics on the Success of Internal Hires

According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, employees who were promoted internally had longer tenure and higher job performance than those who were hired externally.

A survey by LinkedIn found that 48% of companies in the US said internal hiring was their top source of quality hires.

The Society for Human Resource Management found that internal hires were more likely to be successful in their roles, with a success rate of 69%, compared to external hires with a success rate of 58%.

A study by the Corporate Leadership Council found that the cost of external hires was 1.7 times higher than internal hires, due to expenses related to recruiting, onboarding, and training.

A report by McKinsey & Company found that companies with a strong internal mobility program had a 10% higher shareholder return compared to those without such programs.

Benefits of the Internal Hiring Process

Employee Development

By promoting from within, companies can create a culture of learning and development that encourages employees to grow and take on new challenges, leading to happier and more engaged employees.

Increased Retention

Internal hires have a higher retention rate and are more likely to stay with the company long-term, specifically in retaining experienced employees reducing turnover and the costs associated with recruitment and training. See what strategies you can use to maximize the retention rate while decreasing the turnover.

Improved Productivity

Internal hires are already familiar with the company culture, values, and processes, which means they can hit the ground running in their new role, resulting in increased productivity.

Lower Hiring Costs

Developing an internal hiring process can save companies time and money by reducing the costs associated with recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees. It also reduces the time to hire When recruiting externally, hiring teams find candidates (either through sourcing or job posting).

Stronger Company Culture

Internal hiring promotes a culture of career growth and development, which can help build a more skilled and motivated workforce and foster a strong company culture.

Decreased Onboarding Time

When you promote from within, you're not starting from scratch with a new employee. Internal hires are already familiar with your company's policies, procedures, and culture, which can reduce the time and resources needed for onboarding.

Improved Employee Morale

Promoting from within can give employees a boost of confidence and morale by developing an internal hiring process, companies can create a culture of growth and development, resulting in a happier, more engaged workforce and more robust company culture.

Overall, developing an internal hiring process can have numerous benefits for both companies and employees, creating a more engaged and motivated workforce while saving time and money in the recruitment process.

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Although internal recruitment is very useful in many ways it does not necessarily have a positive impact on your team's success in many ways. Let's take this information seriously.

Disadvantages of internal recruitment

Limited candidates: Internal recruitment can restrict the talent pool as it limits the options for new ideas and perspectives that external candidates may bring.

Possible conflicts: Hiring internally can sometimes cause tension or conflict between employees and create resentment who may feel that they deserved the position more than the selected candidate, creating a negative impact on the work environment. This feeling can increase if multiple colleagues get internal promotions.

Lack of new skill sets: Internal recruitment may not bring in new skill sets or different approaches, which can impact the organization's ability to innovate and adapt to changes in the market.

High expectation: When employees are passed over for promotion, it can lead to a dip in employee morale and cause people to leave the company in search of new opportunities.

What could you do to lower the disadvantages of internal recruiting?

Eliminating fear and resentment can be done by building trust and making hiring effective and efficient. Test the effectiveness and efficiency of suitable candidates and communicate well with them. This will assist the hiring process with a smooth hiring process and build trust.

Keep the process fair and transparent ensure that all internal candidates are given equal opportunities and that the selection process is transparent and unbiased.

Use an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) – adopting an internal recruitment strategy could potentially inundate you with applicants. Have an ATS in place to easily keep track of the entire hiring process of both internal and external candidates


If you're thinking about making some changes to your company's hiring process, consider promoting from within or implementing an internal recruitment strategy. Not only can this help you save time and money on recruitment, but it can also boost employee morale and create a more positive company culture. Plus, when you invest in your employees and provide opportunities for growth and development, you're more likely to attract and retain top talent. So why not take the first step towards creating a stronger team and a more successful organization? Give internal hiring or internal recruitment a try and see the positive impact it can have on your company.

This way, you can help your employees to upskill themselves and, at the same time, prepare them for future job roles within the organization by creating a successful internal hiring process that ensures that everyone is given a fair chance.

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