February 24, 2023

Improve Recruiters' Productivity: A 6 Step Guide to Smash Recruiting Targets

A 6-step guide to improve recruiters' productivity

Meeting recruiting targets is no easy feat. You need your recruiters to be at the top of their game so they can find fresh talent that will be a perfect fit for your company. They need to be able to juggle different tasks simultaneously. Their productivity is what is going to change your hiring game. They are the shoulders on which a great company stands. Recruiters must be equipped with skills to get the right people on the bus.  

Here are some tips which you can use to increase recruiters’ productivity.  

Harness the Power of Recruiting Tech

Recruiters' productivity can be increased by ten folds if they can get their hands dirty with different recruiting tech. Such software can be effective in the following ways:

  • They can help recruiters make better data-driven decisions, leading to a more efficient process.  
  • Automate a lot of recurring, time-consuming tasks such as sending emails and reminders to the candidates.
  • They provide values like cost per hire, offer acceptance rate, and many other useful KPIs to recruiters.
  • They can help manage scheduling meetings and interviews for the recruiters.
  • They can help in information screening.
  • They can help recruiters screen resumes much faster and more efficiently.  
  • They can help recruiters shortlist candidates.

An applicant tracking system is a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment and hiring needs. Learn more about the benefits of an Applicant Tracking System(ATS).

Use the power of tech

Measure and test what matters

Recruiters’ productivity can increase if the recruiters are on a constant quest to find weaknesses in their process so they can improve it. One way to look for weaknesses is to keep an eye on the recruiting data. Using this data they can construct a hypothesis, test it, and see if it works for them. If they keep repeating this strategy, they will build a flawless process. In the short term, this may seem time-consuming, but if you look at the bigger picture this will ultimately result in a massive increase in the recruiters’ productivity.  

Here is how recruitment metrics can be helpful in your hiring process.

Always stay ahead of the Recruiting game

As they say, work smarter, not harder.

Productive recruiters don’t just start looking for a candidate when a job position opens. They always try their best to stay ahead of the game. They are always on the lookout for fresh, rising talent. This is called Passive Sourcing. When passive sourcing recruiters build relationships with candidates that might be a good fit for the company even before a job opening arises. This increases recruiters' productivity as when there is a job opening, they don’t have to go through a new list of candidates. They just look at their talent pool for potential candidates.  

Don't Let Bureaucracy Hold Your Recruiting Team Back

No one likes their work to be managed and administered by other people. Unfortunately, this is something most recruiters suffer. Excessive hindrance from higher-ups can be removed by:

  • Streamlining the Recruitment Process
  • Automating repetitive administrative tasks.
  • Improving communication between the recruiting team and the higher-ups by keeping them in the loop.

The Win-Win of Recruiters’ Growth

To increase your recruiters’ productivity, keep investing in their career growth and cultivate a culture of ongoing learning. They should be up to date with the latest HR tech and make a constant effort to stay ahead of the curve. Their growth will ultimately lead to the growth and success of the company.  

Ensure Fair Compensation

Fair Compensation

The secret to increasing a recruiter’s productivity, or as a matter of fact, the secret to increasing any employee's productivity is to offer them fair compensation. Yup, you heard me right. You can equip your recruiters with the best resources, but if they feel overlooked or underpaid at the company, they will not be very productive. Ensuring fair compensation always leads to better performance in the long run.


In order to boost recruiters' productivity, your recruiting team must keep an eye on emerging recruiting trends. Ultimately their increased productivity will help your company save money, time, and resources in the recruitment process and you'll be able to gain a competitive advantage in the talent market. Encourage collaboration in your team, equip them with the best and latest tech, give them proper training, and offer them fair compensation, you'll start seeing your recruiting team will make better, data-driven decisions in no time.

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Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier

Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier

Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier

Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier

Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier

Hirecinch is one of the best applicant tracking system I have used ever, literally my my job easier