March 1, 2023

Social Media Recruitment: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices

Social media recruiting is a process in which multiple social media platforms are used for a job posting to leverage the audience on social media channels to reach potential candidates.

84% of companies use social media for recruiting. Social media is where millennial candidates are looking for jobs and trust me if you are one of the 16% or you are one of those who only use LinkedIn for recruitment you are losing out big time.

But, we've got you covered in this article we are going to cover why it's important and how to run a stunning social media recruitment campaign that will help you land many new and qualified candidates.

Social Media Recruiting Strategy

Building a social media recruiting strategy involves several steps to ensure its effectiveness. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you build your social media recruiting strategy.

social media recruitment strategy

Define Your Recruitment Goals

The first step is to clearly identify your recruitment objectives, such as attracting top talent, increasing the number of qualified applicants, or improving employer branding.

Make them Specific (clear and well-defined), Measurable (quantifiable and trackable), Attainable (achievable with available resources), Relevant (aligned with your overall recruitment objectives), and Time-Bound (set a timeline or deadline for achieving the goal).

Choose Relevant Social Media Platforms

Gain a deep understanding of your target candidates' demographics, interests, and preferences. Tailor your content to resonate with their needs and motivations.

  • LinkedIn is the most popular social media platform for recruiting, with 90% of recruiters using it.
  • Facebook is the second most popular social media platform for recruiting, with 55% of recruiters using it.
  • Twitter is the third most popular social media platform for recruiting, with 47% of recruiters using it.

Create Content

Social recruiting is a powerful tool that can be used in parallel to other traditional recruiting methods to attract and engage potential candidates. By creating and sharing relevant content on social media, you can reach a wider audience and build relationships with passive candidates.

social media recruitment content

Job Postings

Craft engaging job descriptions that highlight key responsibilities, qualifications, and the benefits of working at your company. Use clear language, incorporate visuals, and make it easy for candidates to apply.

Share job openings on your social media channels. This can help to reach a wider audience of potential candidates.

Employee spotlights

Share profiles of your employees and their work. This can help to humanize your company and make it more appealing to potential candidates.

Showcase authentic stories from your employees that highlight their experiences, career growth, and reasons for choosing your company. Video testimonials, written interviews, or quotes can make the content more relatable and trustworthy.

Recruiting events

Share information about recruiting events that you are hosting. This can help to generate interest in your company and attract potential candidates.

Run contests and giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your company and your brand. When running a contest or giveaway, be sure to offer prizes that are relevant to your target audience and that will appeal to job seekers.

content calendar

A content calendar can have a significant impact on your social media recruitment strategy by providing structure, consistency, and effectiveness and it binds goals to a specific timeline.

  1. A content calendar ensures consistent and strategic social media recruitment messaging.
  2. Planning content in advance keeps your social media presence active and engaging.
  3. A diverse content mix captures the attention of different audiences.
  4. Optimized scheduling reaches suitable candidates at the right time.
  5. A content calendar maximizes the efficient use of resources and streamlines processes.
  6. Flexibility in the calendar allows for timely adjustments and real-time engagement.
Week 1
  • Monday: Introduce the company's mission and values through a blog post.
  • Wednesday: Share an employee testimonial video highlighting career growth opportunities.
  • Friday: Post a job opening on LinkedIn with a captivating description and relevant hashtags.
Week 2
  • Monday: Publish an infographic showcasing the benefits of working at the company.
  • Wednesday: Conduct a live Q&A session on Facebook or Instagram to answer questions from potential candidates.
  • Friday: Share a LinkedIn article about industry trends and how the company stays ahead.
Week 3
  • Monday: Feature an employee spotlight on Twitter, highlighting their achievements and contributions.
  • Wednesday: Post a behind-the-scenes photo on Instagram, giving a glimpse into the company culture.
  • Friday: Share a blog post on interview tips and techniques for candidates.
Week 4
  • Monday: Promote upcoming career fair participation and invite interested candidates to the company booth.
  • Wednesday: Share a video showcasing the company's social responsibility initiatives and community involvement.
  • Friday: Highlight a recent employee success story on LinkedIn, emphasizing career progression within the organization.

Engage with Potential Candidates on Social Media

Actively engage with candidates who interact with your content. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly and professionally. Personalize your communication to make candidates feel valued and heard.

Send them a welcome email: When a potential candidate applies for a position, send them a welcome email thanking them for their interest and letting them know the next steps in the process.

Schedule a phone call: Once you have reviewed the candidate's resume and cover letter, schedule a phone call to learn more about their qualifications and experience.

Send them a follow-up email: After the phone call, send the candidate a follow-up email summarizing your conversation and reiterating your interest in them for the position.

Send them a thank-you note: If you decide not to move forward with the candidate, be sure to send them a thank-you note for their time and consideration.

Rules and Requirements

Define specific criteria for evaluating candidates' social media profiles. This may include professionalism, communication skills, cultural fit, industry knowledge, or any other relevant factors. Ensure that the criteria align with the requirements of the position and the values of your organization.

Obtain explicit consent from candidates before conducting social media screening. Clearly communicate the purpose and scope of the screening and give candidates the opportunity to address any concerns or discrepancies found during the process.

Targeted Advertising

The first step to targeted advertising is to know your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? What are their interests? What are their needs? Once you know your audience, you can start to target your ads accordingly.

There are a number of different platforms that you can use for targeted advertising. Some of the most popular platforms include Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the right platform for your needs.

Several studies have shown that targeted social media recruitment advertising can lead to a positive return on investment (ROI). For example, a study by LinkedIn found that companies that use targeted social media recruitment advertising can see a return of up to $3 for every $1 they spend.

A study by Jobvite found that companies that use targeted social media recruitment advertising can see a 25% increase in the number of qualified applicants.

A study by CareerBuilder found that companies that use targeted social media recruitment advertising can see a 30% decrease in the time it takes to fill a position.

A study by Forbes found that companies that use targeted social media recruitment advertising can see a 40% increase in the engagement rate of their job postings.

Employee Advocacy

If you are looking for ways to improve your company's brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales, employee advocacy is a great option. By encouraging your employees to share positive content about your company on social media, you can tap into their personal networks and reach a wider audience.

Up to 50% more leads can be generated through employee advocacy.

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software company. The company has a strong employee advocacy program that encourages employees to share content about Salesforce on social media. Salesforce employees have generated over 1 billion impressions and 100,000 leads through their advocacy efforts.

Advantages of Social Media Recruiting

  1. Reach a wider audience and tap into a diverse talent pool.
  2. Save costs with low-cost or free job posting options.
  3. Showcase your employer's brand and company culture.
  4. Engage directly with candidates and provide personalized experiences.
  5. Attract passive candidates who may not be actively searching for jobs.
  6. Gain valuable insights into candidates' backgrounds and skills.

To read more about The Advantages of Social Media Recruiting

Disadvantages of Social Media Recruiting

  1. Information overload and difficulty standing out among the noise.
  2. Limited targeting precision compared to specialized job boards.
  3. Challenges in filtering out unqualified candidates from a high volume of applications.
  4. Potential for negative comments and feedback affecting employer brand.
  5. Privacy and legal considerations regarding candidate data and compliance.
  6. Limited depth of candidate information compared to comprehensive resumes

How to Use Social Media for Recruitment?

Create a strong social media presence. Your company's social media profiles should be well-designed and up-to-date. They should also reflect your company's culture and values.

Post about your open positions. When you have an open position, be sure to post about it on your social media channels. Be sure to include all the relevant information, such as the position title, the job description, and the qualifications required.

Use hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get your job postings seen by more people. When you post about a job opening, be sure to use relevant hashtags.

Engage with potential candidates. Don't just post about your open positions and then disappear. Take the time to engage with potential candidates who comment on your posts or reach out to you directly.

Use social media to conduct video interviews. Video interviews are a great way to save time and money. They also allow you to get to know potential candidates better.

How to Reach Passive Candidates on Social Media?

Encourage your employees to share job openings and company updates on their personal social profiles. Their networks may include passive candidates who trust their recommendations and insights, making it a powerful way to reach potential talent.

70% of the global workforce is passive talent

Use video content. Video is a great way to engage with potential candidates and showcase your company culture. Share videos of your employees talking about their work, your company values, or your company's mission.

Use live video. Live video is a great way to connect with potential job candidates in real time. You can use live video to answer questions, give tours of your office, or even host Q&As with your employees.

Use social media influencers. Social media influencers are people who have a large following on social media. They can be a great way to reach a wider audience of passive candidates. When you partner with a social media influencer, they can share your job postings with their followers and help you attract top talent.

The Best Social Media Platform for Recruitment?

The best social media platform for recruiting may vary depending on your industry, target audience, and recruitment goals. However, LinkedIn is considered the most popular social media platform for recruiting by recruiters, with 77% of recruiters using the platform for recruitment, according to a survey by Jobvite.  

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows recruiters to search for and connect with new talent based on their skills, experience, and job history. It also offers job posting and advertising options, making it the best platform for recruitment. However, other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may also be effective for recruiting, depending on the organization's recruitment goals and target audience.

Success Stories of Social Recruiting?

Social recruiting is a powerful tool that can help businesses find and hire top talent. In recent years, there have been many success stories of companies that have used social recruiting to fill their open positions. These companies have found that social recruiting can help them reach a wider audience of potential candidates, save time and money, and improve their hiring process.

53% of employers have hired a candidate they found on social media.


In 2021, Amazon launched a TikTok campaign called "Amazon Campus Challenge" to recruit for its entry-level positions. The campaign targeted college students and recent graduates by encouraging them to showcase their skills and creativity through short videos on TikTok.

Participants were asked to create videos highlighting their career aspirations and talents, using the hashtag #AmazonFutureEngineer. The campaign gained significant traction on TikTok, with thousands of user-generated videos and millions of views. It helped Amazon attract young talent and generate buzz around its job opportunities among the target demographic.


HubSpot's dedicated Twitter account, @HubSpotLife, gained a substantial following, with over 50,000 engaged followers. The account's engaging content, such as employee spotlights and behind-the-scenes photos, received an average of 10,000 impressions per tweet.

This increased visibility and engagement helped HubSpot attract top talent and expand its talent pool significantly.

General Electric (GE)

The "6 Second Science Fair" campaign on Vine created a viral sensation. The campaign's hashtag, #GEsciencefair, trended worldwide and received over 1 million views across the submitted videos.

The vast reach and engagement generated by the campaign resulted in an influx of talented candidates, allowing GE to successfully hire multiple individuals with unique scientific skills and creative abilities.


since a lot of people are using social media for recruitment but it doesn't mean you also have to get into this if you want to increase your workforce exponentially social hiring is one of the best ways for recruiting candidates

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